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Online ACH Payments
Room Choice online ACH payments allow users to add their U.S. checking account as a payment method. Once added this can be used for...

Credit & Debit Card Payments
Increase your revenue with payment options built for students, with no additional work needed. The Room Choice Student Housing Property...

Online Payments via Bank Authorization
We get it! Students may now carry checks or know their checking routing and account numbers. Now they can instantly authenticate bank...

Verification Reports
Increase trust with verification reports! Room Choice verification reports are built for student housing. Why? Because we're uniquely...

Online Maintenance Request
Room Choice integrates online maintenance request into our student housing property management software. Allow tenants to quickly...

Marketing Floor Plans
Great floor plans are part of your brochure and selling experience. We recommend that each unit has an associated floor plan that is...

Large Student Leasing Events!
From renting out the entire theater to holding large dances. Booking a theater is great for a lot of reasons but we like the fact that...

Ego-Travel and trends to watch!
Ego-Travel is a disrupting change for the travel industry. This is a trend to watch as more and more instagram driven choices are being...

New! Automatic late fees
Room Choice automates complex late fees. Create rules to post fees based on balance due amounts and day of the month. Late fees can be...

Maintenance is Your New Leasing Team!
As properties move more and more online students may come and go without seeing the front desk or leasing office. That used to sound...
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