Increase trust with verification reports! Room Choice verification reports are built for student housing. Why? Because we're uniquely positioned to allow roommates clarity into their shared living environment.

With Roommate Verification reports students enhance their shared profile with badges. We have badges for all of the following:
Verified Identity (does their name really match their id?)
Criminal Background Checks
Civil Court Records
Education and Employment
Global Checks
Credit Reports (available for both for student and guarantor)
Drug and Health Screening
SSN Trace
Sanctions, Risk, and Compliance
Social Media Searches
Fingerprinting (via SureID)
Build your custom verification reports package and then select which badges are shared with roommates. As applications are received your reports will be authorized and run. Would you like to know that your roommate passed their criminal background checks? Verification reports by Room Choice are integrated, seamless and simple. You see what you need to approve their lease and you share appropriate information with roommates to increase sales, trust, and security.